"And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." (Luke 9:23)
This verse has spawned millions of sermons over the years, giving rise to untold variations and interpretations. I have heard everything from the blandest, softest, doe-eyed teachings to some freakishly, bizarre renderings of what Christ could have possible meant by "take up your cross". Perhaps you, too, have sat under some of the same. Allow me to share what God is showing me (progressively) as we meditate upon this verse together.
The first strong word I encounter in this verse is the word "will". In our modern-day (especially Western world) way of thinking, this means little more than choosing between laundry soaps. What brand do I feel like today? Which one has a coupon? What do my friends use? Which scent do I prefer better? The word used here is SO MUCH stronger than a mere desire or choice based on preference. This word actually refers to what we commonly know as a Last Will and Testament - a final setting of our intentions that are incontestable, without wavering, and resolute. No turning back. With this will, we are planting a spike in the Rock, attaching our entire lives to the hope we have that has entered beyond the veil. Everything we are, have, and do is firmly affixed to Him. Much like the anchor of a ship or the climbing gear used by extreme climbers, this is firmly set and will not be moved.
The cross is another strong idea Christ is conveying in this verse. Jesus was forced by the Romans to carry the very instrument upon which He would sacrifice His human life. Much like Isaac carried the wood for the sacrifice up the mountain with his father, Abraham, Christ carried the wood for His. It was an act of obedience to the will of His Father, Jehovah God. The cross was unforgiving and unrelenting. The cross was an instrument of torturous pain and suffering. The cross didn't stop it's work until the victim was dead. It was designed to extract every last ounce of life from it's victim. There was no coming back from the experience of the cross. It was final. Yet Christ carried it willingly for you and me, and died upon it by choice - by an act of His will (see first paragraph). He commands you and me to do the same.
Today thoughtfully consider: what it is God is asking you to take up, to attach yourself to, to commit unswervingly to that will cause the death of your flesh? The choice to become a follower of Christ is a lifetime, blood covenant. It is not an act of emotion, it is not a logical decision, it is not a test-drive or temporary experiment. The decision to follow Jesus Christ is a force-march to our death. You cannot quit the Army of God. Deserters are forever banished to the fires of hell (MUCH worse than a Court-Martial and Dishonorable Discharge). You WILL bear in your body the marks of Christ's death as you walk with Him through this world. Just as they hated Him, so they will hate you. Know that. Accept that. Will that.
But we know that the reward is worth it. Jesus, setting His eyes upon the reward that would come, carried His cross to the end. The Bible says, "For the joy that was set before Him, He endured death - even death upon the cross." He has gone before you and me and left us His example, becoming our Savior, Lord, Priest before God forever, and Leader. Consider and choose today whom you will serve.
Be blessed.