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12 JULY 2024 devotional

Writer's picture: Parkview BlogsParkview Blogs

"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:" (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Today I want to talk about choices. In a quick concordance search through scripture much is said about choosing; however, the chooser is mostly God. He chooses where we will worship Him, He chooses where His Presence will abide among us, He chooses who lives and dies. He chooses.

The first mention of anyone other than God choosing something for us is this verse that was part of Moses' address to the children of Israel. They were in the process of leaving behind their days of slavery in Egypt. They had endured forty years wandering around in the desert because of their willful disobedience and sin. God had given them the word that none of that generation who rebelled against His will would enter into the Promised Land. One by one, thousands upon multiplied thousands died - each bringing the remaining ones closer to their inheritance. That is where we are in this passage of scripture: between slavery and our land of promise.

Their leader, Moses, is now standing before the people recalling their history and giving them final instructions before entering the land. He has anointed Joshua to take his place because he (Moses), too, is forbidden from entering because of an act of disobedience. He has laid it all out quite clearly for them - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Now they stand having one final chance to throw it all away and return to Egypt.

In our reading of the account we often condemn them for their ignorance and lack of trust in God. He has shown them miracle after miracle, has provided for them in the direst of situations, and shown Himself faithful. Yet they keep turning away - trying to find another way, complaining about their conditions, rebelling against their chosen (again, by God) leader, etc. Yet we easily forget how much God has done for us - how He has protected us, how He has saved us, how He has provided for us, how He has given us wise leaders to follow (if we will choose to). He has been SO GOOD to us, yet like the Israelites of old we often try to wiggle out of God's yoke and find another way to do things instead of simply following the leading of His Holy Spirit. We are no better than they.

God is giving you and me the same option right now. Some of us stand at a crossroads - trying to make career choices, spouse choices, lifestyle choices, whatever. Yet His Word is so clear on these things. And, if we lack wisdom He promises to give it to us without condemning us or rebuking us. His Spirit tries to guide us in the right direction, but we - like they - are trying to get Him to bless what we want instead of wanting what He is blessing. His Word is clear, His Spirit is actively calling you, and all you have to do is choose rightly.

Spend some time with Him today. Seek His face. Listen for His voice. Try the spirits to discover His. Then simply follow that. Although our flesh doesn't always like the choice and we can mentally work out another way, only His way will bring peace and blessing. That is today's challenge to you, my friend. He sets before us life and death (a pop quiz, if you will), then gives us the correct answer - choose life.

Be blessed.

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