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16 MAY 2024 devotional

Writer's picture: Parkview BlogsParkview Blogs

"See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand." (Deuteronomy 32:39)

What an awesome God we serve! I have frequently shared how much God has done for me and I will continue to do so. He is truly a good Father to His children, of which I AM One (capitals on purpose).

I have learned over the years the importance of attaching yourself - nay, assimilating yourself - with the right people. When Christ prayed in the Upper Room with His disciples, "Make them one, even as you and I are one, Father" - I felt that. I choose to be One with Jesus and the Father. I choose to be One with His other children. I choose to be One with the Holy Spirit living inside me. I AM One.

It has been my privilege to see God work on my behalf over the years - more so the last two-and-a-half years. Sure, there have been rough times, some of which I have brought on through my actions. I still struggle in some areas. But you know what? The victory shall come. It has already been declared in the heavenlies. The tide will turn, my enemies shall scatter, and there will be peace and wholeness in my life. I know that because I have seen God do it before and it shall be done again. I declare it in the mighty Name of Jesus!

Today I encourage you to stand strong. Time and time again throughout scripture you will read passages where there was no way out for the child of God, yet at the right time (often it seemed like the last minute) God showed up and showed off. Oh yes, He shows off! And it is amazing to witness. And when He does, He commands the enemy to return all that was taken from you multiple times over. The Law of the Old Testament was if someone stole from you because they were in desparate need, they were to return double what they stole when they were caught. If they did it out of greed, however, they were to return seven times what they stole. Satan has stolen from you and me - not because he needed anything we have, but because of his total hatred and attempted revenge against the God Who condemned him forever. BUT. He can kick and scream, fight and tear, kill, steal, and destroy all he wants. In the end, when the child of God stands up and appears before the throne of God, claiming his or her rightful place, Satan has to bow and make it right. Satan is humbled (once again) before the One he is attempting to subdue. Hallelujah!

Take your stand today, brother and sister. As long as you stand by weakly and allow Satan to run wild in your life and rob you of everything - he will. Boldly take your stand, declare your allegiance to the King of Kings and LORD of Lord loudly before the courtroom of heaven, pick up your weapons of spiritual warfare, and watch God flex on your behalf! Fear not, for He is on your side.

Be blessed.

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