“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.” (Genesis 1:3, 4)
We have in this verse first few verses of the Bible a pattern God set for us to follow.
Verse one says that God created the heavens and the earth. All was well. God creates perfection – that we understand. It was according to His perfect will and design.
Verse two says that the earth was without form and void. Wait. Somthing happened to God’s creation! God is not the Creator of chaos, of nothingness. How could this be? It is commonly believed by biblical scholars that this is where Satan was cast out of heaven to the lower regions – earth. Enough on that for this time.
Verse three tells us that God began to restore order to the ruined creation. The first thing He speaks into existence is light. To begin fixing anything we need to plainly see. This light has been referred to by Jewish mystics as the light of potential. It is often referred to as revelation – a showing forth of those things that are hidden. Again, enough about that for now.
Notice the pattern we see repeated over and over again throughout the next verses as God speaks creation into existence. We know He had a grand design – a plan and a will for how it should be. We could say that first God saw in His mind what He wanted.
After picturing it clearly in His thoughts, God then spoke it forth. It wasn’t enough for Him to think good thoughts or send good energy toward the chaos. He had to speak His will into the swirling mass of nothingness. Only then was His power released.
Next He saw it. The word used for saw in this instance went beyond His physical ability to perceive its existence. The word used here means He looked at it, He examined it, He compared it to what He saw in His mind. He rigidly measured it and valued it.
Then we see that He declared it good. It wasn’t good enough. It didn’t fall short of His expectations. It contained all He called it to be. It wasn’t sufficient or acceptable. It was perfect in His eyes.
So to review: God envisioned what He wanted, out of that vision He spoke it into existence, He beheld it in all its fulness, then He declared it good. Everything God did (and does) is an example of how we are to be like Him. When Christ came to this earth in human form, He did so to reveal to us the heart of the Father. He only spoke what He saw the Father do, He only did what He heard the Father say, and everything He did brought glory and honor to Jehovah God.
Jesus never condemned the disease in people. He never commanded death to the evil He saw ravaging lives. He never denied the symptoms He beheld. He called forth what He wanted in their lives. Think about it. Take up your bed and walk. According to your faith be it unto you. On and on He proclaimed the end result He desired and the symptoms went away automatically. As surely as light overcomes darkness and life overcomes death, our words spoken under the leading of the Holy Spirit overcome the evil we face.
Meditate on this teaching. Carefully read the scripture and see if this isn’t true. Then look squarely, confidently upon the challenge that you face. What do you want to be the end result? How would you see this if the situation worked out for the good? Clearly envision it in your mind. See it, own it, feel it. Believe it as if it were already done. Then speak it with boldness. Declare the end from here. Speak it out boldly, confidently, with full assurance that God sees the desire of your heart. Release the Holy Spirit as fully as your faith will allow. Then watch as God brings it to pass. But beware of Satan’s tricks. He will try to make you declare things and believe for things that aren’t yours to claim. Make sure those things for which you are believing and declaring will bring glory and honor to your heavenly Father. Don’t rush blindly and foolishly into the darkness. Allow God to speak into your spirit, then walk according to the light He gives.
Be blessed.