"But charge Joshua, and encourage him, and strengthen him: for he shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which thou shalt see." (Deuteronomy 3:28)
In this verse God challenged Moses to go against the normal, human "grain" - to be a godly example of a leader despite his own feelings.
One of the hardest things for a pastor, mentor, leader, or even a parent to do is encourage others when your life is falling apart. Thank God I am past that part. But here Moses is - looking at the Promised Land, but not being allowed to lead the people in. In his place is his protege, Joshua, who has served him faithfully for many years. Moses is commanded to charge Joshua (to command him, to commission him, to appoint him) and to encourage him as he takes over Moses' position.
All of us as Christians are told to encourage each other - to lift each other up, to give wise counsel (when asked, especially), to strenthen each other. As we walk through this life and meet people, the Holy Spirit will often prompt us to say specific things, do things, offer a hug, or whatever. We need to learn to hear that still, small voice. Not only hear it, but obey. We don't know what others are going through and it just may be that word, that touch, that hug, or that smile that gives them the strength to go one more day. Or, in the case of Moses and Joshua, the courage to conquer their Promised Land.
Today I challenge you to be sensitive to the Spirit, to listen to His leading, to follow where He takes you, and always be aware of those God brings across your path. The Bible tells us the footsteps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord. Be aware. Be sensitive. Be obedient. Be Jesus in the world.
Be blessed.