“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (I Timothy 3:16-17)
Paul, in writing to his protege, Timothy, encourages him in this passage concerning the validity and importance of preaching and teaching the WHOLE Bible – like Rev. Jesse Duplantis always says, “From Genesis to the maps.” During a conversation with my bestie today, we started talking about how we grew up not really reading the Old Testament. Mine was because I was taught that it really had no relevance in our world today because we are under the New Testament. The Old became obsolete with the Advent of Christ – that’s what I was taught.
It wasn’t until I went away to college to become a preacher that I had a professor ignite a love of the Old Testament in me. Mr. Minske, professor of Old Testament History, spoke of it with such a passion and with such color that he awakened within me a sincere love of the Old Testament. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful we are living in the Age of Grace and aren’t required to sacrifice bulls and goats anymore. But the Old Testament is the foundation for everything we read in the New. In fact, much of the New Testament refers back to passages in the Old Testament. Jesus even quoted from it many, many times! I wish I could remember the exact quote and who said it, but I heard it this way: “Christ is revealed and portrayed all through the Old Testament, and the Old Testament is validated and completed by the New.” They are inextricably interwoven. If you do away with the one, the other has no meaning. To this day I love reading the Old Testament and discovering the heart and mind of God!
It is important for us – especially in the world in which we live – to remember that the ENTIRE Bible is God-breathed (inspired). There is not a single word or syllable wasted. Nothing was put into the Bible just for filler. Even the geneologies are important! I understand that reading through Leviticus and Numbers can be difficult and that the Book of Revelations is scary, but they are there for our education and training. I can’t sit here and tell you I understand why it’s important for us to know how many were in each tribe and family of Israel, but God thought it was important – therefore, I must at least read it and acknowledge it. I mean, God was THOROUGH in His numbering. He didn’t round off to the nearest tenth or anything. If the number of the tribe was 12,341 then so be it! Every person counted. Literally. Even the Song of Solomon – risque as it is – has a place in the theology and teaching of God for us. It teaches, I have been told, of the intimacy between Christ and the Church (after all, we are His bride!).
But man has always sought ways to exclude certain portions of scripture because they don’t conform with his comfortability. It is, for example, uncomfortable to tell lesbians and homosexuals that they are not saved. I don’t care of they do have the Church of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says they are not accepted into the kingdom. Period. But it also says that of those who are afraid (the fearful), the liars, gossipers, gluttons, etc. The ENTIRE Bible was dictated by God – letter by letter, line by line, verse by verse. The wicked hearts of men (and women) don’t want to accept that. They threaten, they accuse us of bigotry, of hate speech, of every punishment known to man. OK. Take it up with God – after all, He is the One Who established the rules. Not me.
Do I like everything I read in scripture? Am I often convicted of some area of my life that is not in line with God’s plan? SURE! But I have to first accept that it is His divine will (for a reason He isn’t required to explain), then to fall in line with what He commands. I AM, after all, a soldier in the army of God. He is my Commander-in-Chief. More than that, He created me in my mother’s womb. He knows me better than I know myself. I have often put together sermons (even these devotions) and had to say, “Ouch!”, but that doesn’t change the message I am to share. God is God and I’m not. The scariest thing for me is to think of standing before Him and hearing Him say, “Depart from me. I never knew you.” I AM bound by covenant to represent Him fully in His truth.
My friend, my challenge to you today is to evaluate yourself in light of the totality of scripture. Do you struggle with something He has condemned? Don’t allow Satan to condemn you to hell for it. Remember, the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin in order to save our souls. Satan wants you to think you have gone too far, have sinned too much, have gotten beyond the grace and love of Christ. NOT TRUE! If He is pulled at your heart, if He is speaking to you directly, then you are still within His grasp. Repent today. Turn from whatever it is that’s keeping you from His best. What on earth is worth eternity in heaven? Is this (small) thing going to keep you out of heaven? Is that price worth it? Spend some time with God today and allow Him to search out your heart. He will surely do it with compassion and love, and will welcome you into His arms of mercy. Do it today.
Be blessed.