"Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;"(I Timothy 6:17)
I have heard this verse misused so many times, but I love the message it carries. I have heard it used against the rich - even the godly ones! - to condemn them for their evil(?) ability to earn wealth. I have heard it used to condone the evil misuse of monies given to ministries for the propogation of the gospel. It has been twisted and abused in just about every way you can imagine, so I'm going to break it down briefly the best I can so we can have some understanding.
The first part of the verse is addressing those who have ample means - above and beyond what they need. The rich. I have had the pleasure of knowing many millionaires personally over the years - most of them were Christians, by the way. They simply had used their abilities and God-given inspiration to parlay their ideas into vast amounts of wealth. Almost every one of them started from nothing: no rich father or family, no instant windfall, nothing. They built their wealth from the ground up.
There is nothing inheritantly evil about wealth. Money has no conscience - so the saying goes. It can be used to build orphanages around the world, hospitals in remote places, or establish other ministries. That same money can be used to build arsenals, prisons, armies, and empires to the glory and honor of the donor. Money is neutral. Men are not.
And therein is the first message contained in this verse. Paul, through his letter to Timothy, is telling those who are rich to not become arrogant - think they are better than everyone else. Secondly, he is telling them their riches will NOT guarantee them a spot in heaven. Salvation is about more than the good we do in this world. My grandfather was a "good" man, and he was RICH!!! When he finally allowed my father to tell him all his good works were filthy in the eyes of God - that it took a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, he responded immediately! Grandpa was a pillar of the community, a church member (a C&E Christian), and a ranking member of the Lion's Club. He was, by all measures, a "good" man, yet he understood (finally) the message of Christ. Salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone - and NO OTHER way! That's the first message of Paul.
The second part of the verse, however, is good news for all of us: God gives us all things to enjoy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying having 900 head of horses on your ranch in Texas (like one of my millionaire friends), or having your own private Israeli jet that you purchased to use for your own business purposes. There is nothing wrong with owning a mansion with a 23-car garage attached to it (like one of my late millionaire friends in North Carolina had) and a collection of classic and exotic cars and vehicles. There is nothing wrong with having thousands of acres of farmland in the rich Mississippi River bottom land like my grandfather. As long as you use these for your own enjoyment, recognize that it was God Who gave you the strength and ability to accumulate all of them, and give Him the glory. I, like Paul, have learned whatever state I am in, therein to be content. Today I drive a Cadillac CTS and have my own home, but a few years ago I wore a brown prison uniform and lived in a 6X9 cell. I have been on top of the world (as a federal law enforcement officer) and I have been penniless and hopeless sitting in my cell. I have learned to glorify God in both situations, therefore He can trust me with more.
Today, I encourage you to be grateful for what you have. It may only be a handful of meal and a little oil. It may be an empty tomb you have purchased for your own (eventual) use. You may own some of the richest real estate in the world and have two commas in your bank statement. Wherever you find yourself, in whatever situation you presently abide, be grateful for the things you have. And don't look to them as your salvation. Give honor and glory to God, allow Him free access to all you have, and use the resources you have for the betterment of your fellow mankind and the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Be blessed.