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27 JULY 2024 devotional

Writer's picture: Parkview BlogsParkview Blogs

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

I have been telling you about the peace of God and how I have enjoyed it ever since finally (after 50+) years finding it and acquiring it. Peace sets the table for joy. At least that has been my experience.

More and more as the Day of the Lord approaches I see peace fleeing away. From the world, definitely. But more importantly (or maybe just as importantly) from the church. I have witnessed the Bride of Christ tearing pieces out of her wedding garment almost daily as the members of the Body attack one another viciously. Dissension has spread like wildfire through the Church for years, spreading discord among the brethren (and sistren – if that is a word). In fact, ever since the Fall of man in the Garden discord has been around, but in these last days the devil is using it as a tool against us – to divide us even more, to separate us from each other, to keep us apart. And it isn’t getting any better.

One of my fondest memories of my teenage years was meeting with my pastor – Tom Waters – at a local restaurant here in Quincy for lunch. He held a meeting, a social gathering, with several other ministers in the area – just to break bread and fellowship. I remember there being a Catholic priest along with various other denominational Christian leaders around that table. We were American Baptist. I just remember watching them laugh together, share their hurts with one another, pray with each other, and truly enjoy fellowship amongst themselves. As each one left, they went back to their own denomination and preached according to their individual church doctrine; however, they had that bond of Christian brotherhood and understanding between shepherds of their local flocks of believers. That memory is planted deeply into my spirit where I pray it forever blossoms and grows.

Today we need each other more than ever. I can proudly say I have Jewish friends, I have Catholic friends, I have Pentecostal friends, I have Methodist friends – I have friends of every ilk. I even have Atheists as friends! And that’s ok. We are all members of One Body – the Church (well, except for the Atheists). Do we necessarily believe exactly the same or practice our faith the same? No. No we don’t. But we know each others’ hearts and we love each other with a love that surpasses human love. It isn’t superficial, it isn’t shallow, it isn’t just for show. It is for real and it is deeply-rooted and grounded.

And you know what? I believe eventually even the Atheists will come around as they see true Christians (not just Sunday “Christians”) who love God and each other. Didn’t Jesus Himself tell us, “By this shall all men (including Atheists) know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another”? It’s not important what name tag we wear or what denominational badge or title we wear. It’s like the Army. In the Army no matter what your job title was, if war broke out everyone was instantly Infantry. That was the baseline for all of us. One could be an MP, another could be an Engineer, yet another could be in Communications. BUT, when it all hit the fan, we were all expected to take up arms and perform the most basic of functions – the defense of our nation. The same holds true in the Church. Even if I hold ordination papers, I am still first a Christian. If I am an International Moderator or Superintendent of a denomination, when it all hits the fan I am still a soul-winning, prayer warrior Christian.

Today I challenge you to lay aside your titles, lay aside your assumed positions within the Body, and start mending the wedding garment of the Bride. Quit fighting over silly stuff, stop arguing over ignorant, inconsequential things, and for God’s sake, STOP THE INSANITY of tearing each other down! We are called to build one another up in the most holy faith. The weaker or newer Christians are watching their elders in the faith to see how they are supposed to grow and act. By acting this way, I believe, we are escorting our young ones straight into hell. It’s no wonder we aren’t winning souls into the kingdom. They see how we treat each other. They can get better treatment at the local bar! Stand strong in your faith. Put on your big boy and girl panties and grow up. Take off the diapers. Have some (spiritual) steak and put down the glass of milk. Act like men and women of God.

Be blessed.

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