“Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom, and stretch her wings toward the south? (Job 39:26)
Tonight I want to go off on a tangent with your permission. I work at the airport here in Quincy, so I have gotten used to the calling of the coyotes in the darkness, I have gotten used to the smell of cow manure in the summer, I have (sort of) gotten used to freezing to death on the runway in the winter and sweating my back off in the heat of the summer. But tonight was a new one for me.
Quincy is known for our hawks. In fact our local college basketball team is named after them. In every neighborhood I have either worked or lived, there has been an alpha hawk – the one that dominated that particular part of town. Frankly, it kind of creeped me out the first few times I saw one circling overhead or heard the loud screeching call as they passed overhead. I remember mowing my back yard a few years ago and had that creepy feeling I was being watched, but there was no one around. As I mowed the strip back toward my house, I saw one sitting on the peak of our home watching my every move. I know he was probably thinking “LUNCH FOR DAYS”, but I was thinking of how I was going to defend myself if he came after me. LOL.
For the first time tonight I heard a hawk at the airport. We have tons of swallows, robins, and other birds, but I have never seen or heard a hawk out there. It was pitch black outside (except for the lights on the runway), but I could hear him screeching loudly, repeatedly in the dark. I tried everything I knew (Here, hawk, hawk, hawk. kissy sounds) to get him to come down where I could see him, but to no avail. He remained in the dark proclaiming his overlordship of that area.
The Bible tells us that even nature declares God’s glory. It reveals His nature and cooperates with Him – naturally. Animals act in accordance with their nature. A bear doesn’t try to imitate a cat, nor does a fish try to be a horse. They act within the boundaries of their nature. Which is what this hawk was doing tonight. He was marking his territory and proclaiming it so all could hear.
So we need to be and do. If we are a child of God, then we are given the command to go forth, multiply, and dominate the earth and all that is within it. When we were unsaved heathens, we acted in accordance with our nature. Unsaved. Uncouth. Raw. But now that we are children of God we need to carry ourselves accordingly. We are in command of the world and all that is within it. We are not to domineer, but to dominate. Take control and wield our authority according to the power that is within us. The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in you and me. No weapon that is formed against us will prosper. I thought about that tonight with that hawk. He allowed me to operate in his domain, but take my word for it – it was HIS domain. So in all actuality, I allowed him to claim his dominance, but even he is subject to my authority as a child of God.
Today I challenge you to meditate on this truth as see how it applies in your life. Everything that is named must bow before the Name of Jesus. Whatever you’re facing right now might be screaming like that hawk, trying to get you to back down and accept the “facts” – that it is master over you. NO! Greater is He that is in you than whatever of this world is coming against you. Let that sink in, take root in your spirit, and rise up in the mighty Power of Jesus Christ.
Be blessed.