"And the sight of the glory of the LORD was like devouring fire on the top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel. And Moses went into the midst of the cloud, and gat him up into the mount: and Moses was in the mount forty days and forty nights." (Exodus 24:17, 18)
I love reading about the men and women of God in the Bible. They seem so super-human, so much bigger than life, yet God is faithful to show us that they were "normal" just like us.
I remember years ago, when revival seemed to be breaking out all around the world, hearing stories recounted of men and women praying to see the glory of God. Many of us prayed that God would come down and give us a visitation - we wanted to see something similar to biblical accounts. We prayed for the fire of God. We prayed for His cleansing fire to consume all that was impure and unholy in our lives. Some of us still pray for that - maybe you do, too. But do we really?
Are we like the disciples who asked Jesus' for the right to sit at His right and left hands when He came into His power? Jesus asked them if they were able to drink of the cup from which He would drink (persecution, public opposition, and ultimate death), to which they replied they were. Yet we read the passages that tell us when Christ was arrested in Gethsemane that His disciples fled. In like manner, many accounts were told of modern-day evangelists and pastors who experienced the glory of God felt overwhelming fear and awe in His presence. Do we really know what it is we are asking and are we TRULY prepared for it when He answers those petitions?
In the account we read today, Moses went up the mountain into the burning Presence of God - into His glory, into the manifestation of His power, into His Presence - and returned to change an entire nation! He returned with the Ten Commandments (which were written by the finger of God on stone), taught them to the people, and ultimately established them from a wandering band of former slaves into the nation of Israel - the chosen people of God. These Laws have influenced practically every nation's legal system since this time - all because of one man who was bold enough to enter the Presence of God.
Are you that man or woman of God who will be willing to sacrifice your life to enter into the Presence of the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Almighty God, Creator of the universe, Ruler of heaven and earth? Have you so cleansed your soul with the blood of Jesus Christ and walked in obedience to God so closely you have that kind of holy confidence before Him? We have a Savior, but we need a deliverer that will stand and declare with authority the Word of the Lord for our world today.
I challenge you to meditate upon this passage, search your soul, repent, and stand in the gap. Throughout history it has only taken one man or woman to initiate and establish radical change. Will you be that one?
Be blessed.