Women are amazingly interesting to me. An absolute conundrum wrapped up in an enigma. The cornucopia of passion and love, and the most daunting foe if unnecessarily opposed. I look at my dear mother as the consummate example of womanhood and the unrewarding role a pastor's wife. She was and is my hero. Biblically, I always enjoy reading about Lydia’s direct support to Paul, as Paul was truly a “go it alone” apostle but couldn’t have done as much without the support of each of the churches and critical patrons such as Lydia. I am big fan of Paul and I know that he would have never directed personal commentary to someone who was not going above and beyond to support his Christian ministry.
I want to use this to dovetail the entirety of this discussion in business by referring to Proverbs 31:10-31 concerning a woman who fears the Lord. In reading these verses, it is easy to see that she is a businesswoman across the entire gamut of business dealings.
Retail Merchandizing. Verses 14, 16, 18, & 24b. Throughout this portion of Chapter 31, this woman sells everything from linens to grapes and wine. This evolution only occurs because of her consumer and manufacturing prowess.
Consumer. Verses 13a, 14, 17, & 21. These verses illustrate through her manufacturing and merchandizing strength she understands what items to buy that will lead her to perpetual success.
Management. Verses 15b, 16, 26b, & 27. As the head lady of the house, she takes the lead on the management of the maidens and staff to support her in the daily functions of her company and undoubtedly assist her in purchasing and manufacturing.
Entrepreneur. Verse 16. “She considers a field and buys it.” This shows of individual spirit of going through the entire process to include an extensive supply-chain for market.
Manufacturer. Verses 13b, 15a, 16, 19, 22, & 24a. As we see from her retail merchandizing, all of these products are made by her and her staff. Quite the feat considering the time period that this was written for and about.
Business Ethics. In verses 11, 12, 20, 23, 25, & 29. This is perhaps my favorite as it shows her business sense of honor and integrity. It also illustrates her benevolence to those in need from her profits. She is wholly committed to ethical business in all that she puts her hand to for her organization.
Although Paul does not go into this elaborate detail, we can very well assume that a good Jewish woman such as Lydia understood and learned Proverbs 31 and applied in her life, household, and business ventures. Both women clearly knew how to weave everything together to honor God.