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Battle Call!

Writer's picture: Parkview BlogsParkview Blogs

“Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.” (Romans 14:4)

As Christians we are under the gun from the world more now than in we have been in a long time. At least we aren’t being impaled on poles and used as street lamps (yet), but we are only one or two laws away from being listed as criminals according to the law. Pastors are being arrested in the pulpits for preaching the unadulterated, unfiltered Word of God, believers around the world (as well as in some parts of the United States) are being arrested for upholding biblical standards in their communities, and many Christians have already been listed as radicals and potential enemies of the State. We are under full attack like no time in recent history.

Paul, in this verse, is encouraging the believers to remember to Whom they are accountable. We don’t answer to the laws of the government as we do the Laws of God. I’m not calling for an uprising, so don’t misunderstand me in this. God’s laws supercede natural, man-made laws. There may well come a time when we will be like Daniel – bow down or be cast into the lions’ den. We may have to undergo the treatment of Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego – bow down or be cast into the fire. And yes, we may face the tortures of those in early Rome who fought with lions in the Amphitheater for the amusement of our accusers, or be burned alive as torches along the Roman highway. Hebrews 11 tells of those who were tortured, killed, sawn in two, etc. and lists them among the faithful.

Paul told the early Christians in this verse that the Christian man or woman who stands before God in righteousness shall be holden up. That’s an old-time way of saying that God will come along, lift us back to our feet, and support us in the fight. We love to read those scriptures where God tells His people to stand still and watch Him fight for us. We all like the idea of being more than a conqueror. We all like the idea of facing the battle, but not having to fight in it. I do, too! But the simple fact is, even in those situations God calls us to do something. Think of it: when the soldiers threw Daniel into the lions’ den, God could have sent along a chariot of fire to whisk him away like He did for Elijah. When the soldiers bound Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to cast them into the fire, they could have all died before they finished binding them up. God could have showered the Land of Canaan with large hailstones and fire (like He did with Sodom and Gomorrah) and allowed the children of Israel to simply walk in and take over. But He didn’t do any of these things. They all had to stand and fight – empowered and led by God, yes. But they still had to do something. When they did what He told them, then He delivered them – sometimes from it, but more often through it.

Most Christians have been taught wrong. That’s why you can hear Christians say things like “Violence is never the answer” or something else equally ignorant. Not, I’m not saying we need to be violent extremists and go around terrorizing people in the Name of God. That’s silly. But we must be people of strong faith, we must be people of strong dispositions, we must be people with a strong backbone, and we must be people of action. David, who wrote most of the Book of Psalms, would have been bullied as a young man in todays world. He wrote poetry, he wrote songs, he played a musical instrument, he was good looking (the Bible’s description, not mine). Jacob would have been mocked as well in today’s world. He stayed in the house with his mother instead of going out hunting, fishing, and being a “real” man. Jacob learned how to cook and how to do things normally expected of girls. He wasn’t even hairy like his brother! Yet David went on to be a mighty warrior – spilled so much blood of his enemies he was not allowed to build the Temple of God! “King Saul has slain his thousands and David his ten-thousands” was the message on everyone’s lips back then. Jacob went on to wrestle with (the angel of) God and prevail. He was renamed Israel – as in Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel). He became the cornerstone of the modern-day nation of Israel – “he who wrestled with God and prevailed.”

We are called today, my friends, to be mighty for God. We cannot be of those who shrink back in fear. We must have our faces set like flint and our backs straight, our chests out, our shoulders squared, and ready for combat. What does that combat look like? It’s different for each one of us. One may battle in the health realm. Another may battle in the financial realm. Yet another may battle solely in the area of their mind. The cross you are called to bear isn’t the same as mine. Just as I am struggling with some issues in my life right now, so are you. That’s why we cannot judge one another. That word, by the way, is to sentence someone to a life of confinement (“They’ll always be that way”) or death (“They might as well give up – they’ll never be good enough”). We don’t have the final authority to decide someone’s fate – and I, personally, am glad!

Yes, there are verses that address this very subject that seem to contradict what I just wrote. For example, “Judgment must begin in the house of the Lord” comes to mind. “By their fruits you shall know them” is another popular one. But remember, as you read through the scriptures of the New Testament, you will not find where Jesus or any of His disciples stoned someone to death. Judgment comes from God – He will repay. “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.” Judgment of this nature comes strictly from God and He will, in His time and His way, take care of someone. We are to love them, correct them, instruct them, and at the very most – excommunicate them. The Catholics and the Amish did not invent that – God did. If someone in the Body refuses to submit to godly principles and guidance, we are to avoid them (basically shun them and excommunicate them), turning them over to their sins until such time as God passes judgment. Sorry, I didn’t mean for this to turn ugly, but that is scriptural.

Today I encourage you to spend time in the Word of God. Seek Him and His righteousness. Dismiss or ignore those who would put you down, condemn you, or otherwise try to make you lose hope. It is time for the children of God to rise up a mighty army, encourage one another, strengthen one another, and prepare for war. The days in which we find ourselves are a constant wearing down, a constant struggle, an overbearing feeling of stress and pressure. You are a mighty warrior in God. Maybe you need to go back through boot camp again. But maybe you just need to align with others of like mind. Find them quickly. Fall in. Answer the call.

Be blessed.

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