“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:” (Isaiah 26:3, 4)
The world is going crazy. Literally. The daily news reports give us updates on wars and military conflicts around the world. We read of governments being toppled or threatened by uprisings. Financial institutions – major financial institutions – are reporting their own demise. Famine – a constant dirge on humanity – is more rampant than ever. Weather patterns are changing, causing loss of life and property around the globe. All these and much more bombard us daily, hourly. People are losing their minds trying to stay ahead of all of it, scheming and maneuvering to avoid disaster.
If they had just read the Bible or listened to pastors they would have known this was coming. The Bible has warned us of these things coming to pass since it was first put into print, yet no one has paid any attention. Worse yet, most pastors don’t want to talk about these passages because they are “negative” and scare people. The gospel – the “good news” – consists of not just the “good” stuff but also the warnings. When Jesus said, “In this world you shall have tribulation…” it wasn’t to scare people into the kingdom, and it surely wasn’t to make them “feel good.” Jesus gave us these warnings (as did Daniel, Jeremiah, and others) that we might be forewarned and not get shaken off our faith when they came.
Satan’s biggest trick against all of us – Christians included – is to chatter incessantly in our ears. He gets in our heads (if we let him) and never shuts up. I know a young lady at this very moment who recently began a very lucrative career – one she has wanted since she was in her early twenties – but is getting ready to lose it because of the inner chatter in her mind. Instead of looking at reality, instead of understanding she is new to this field, instead of taking each day as it comes, she is convinced that she is being picked on, harassed, and is incapable of doing her job. She has the ability, she has the knowledge, she has all the tools she needs at her disposal to be highly successful in this field, yet the inner chatter has shut her down. So it does with all of us, given the opportunity.
We meet people like this all the time. Look into peoples’ eyes when you talk to them and you will see it. They hear the muffled sound coming out of your mouth, but they cannot understand what you’re saying or accept your advice and counsel because they are listening to the voice of someone else in their heads. What we allow our minds to focus upon grows. The voices we listen to gain in volume. The thoughts we allow to run rampant in our minds gather strength and overtake our every waking (and resting) moment. We can’t sleep because our dreams are tortured by our thoughts. We can’t rest because of the cacophony of noise running in the background. No wonder people are going crazy! Look at people walking down the street in your hometown and just observe their demeanor, their spirit, their carriage. It seems we are living in the tombs of the Gadarenes and the swarms of humanity around us are all zombies.
That is why this passage I quoted today is so vital to us. Those whose minds are stayed – anchored, secured, propped against, and relying upon the strength of – on Christ are at perfect peace. That is why David wrote “Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.” That is why we are instructed over and over again throughout scripture to meditate upon the Word of God – not just to read it and go on, but – to chew on it, to mull it over, to speak it out, to live with it. Let it become your life-giving nourishment, let it become a part of you, let it adjust your mind, body, and soul to meet the will of God. That is how healing comes. That is how salvation is achieved. That is how sanctification occurs. We are changed daily by living out the Word of God. He adds precept upon precept to our understanding, He changes us from glory to glory. This is all very practical theology. This is the reality of growing into the fulness of Christ. This is taking our position within the kingdom. This is victory-winning, overcoming, eternal life imparting reality.
Today, my friend, you may be battling with a soundtrack running in the background of your mind. You may be struggling with thoughts of weakness, lack, loss, illness, defeat, or whatever. I challenge you to begin digging out those scriptures that will build you up, restore hope, give you a sense of belonging to Christ. The Bible addresses every need you may have today. There is nothing that has happened to you that is uncommon to all mankind. Satan has no new tricks, but he has perfected the old ones. As we’ve been taught for years, the battlefield is very often in the mind. Let your mind be renewed today by the mind of Christ. No, I take that back. Force your mind to submit to the mind of Christ. There is nothing passive about this battle. You will not win this battle passively. There are no consciencious objectors in the army of God. We must stand and fight. You must stand and fight. Unfortunately, I cannot fight your mental battles for you. I can teach you, I can counsel you, I can show you how, but you must fight this one alone. Surround yourself with those who will pray with you, stand with you, and support you while you undergo this battle, but take up your Sword and Shield and start developing your battle skills. Today must be your day of victory. You are not promised tomorrow. Today is the day of your salvation. Make it so.
Be blessed.