“And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, he gathered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people.” (Genesis 49:)
What a beautiful description of one’s passing from this life to the next! To have finalized everything so completely and to have lived life so fully and godly that there is no reservation in meeting God face-to-face. Praise God!
I know of two people in my circle of friends in the past week who have passed on to their rewards in heaven and this pretty much sums up their experience. Years ago my own uncle (by marriage) had this very same testimony. He was afforded the honor of calling his children one by one on the telephone and expressing his love for them, his dreams for them, and his final words for each one. When he finished, he simply laid down the phone and quietly passed away. A very close friend of mine had that same blessing of God. When his wife found him the next morning, he was sitting in his chair with his Bible open on his lap as if asleep – for truly he was resting in the arms of Jesus.
As a hospital chaplain for years I have been with countless numbers of men and women whom I attended as they slipped into eternity. Some went peacefully as they witnessed Jesus and loved ones awaiting them on the other side. It gave me chills to listen as they tried to describe the beautiful things they were seeing as they left this world – but oh, how it changed my perception of “death.”
Living our lives walking with Christ on the daily conquers fear in our lives. We read in scripture that Jesus came (amongst other things) to conquer man’s biggest fear – which we know as death. He came to strip back the darkness and mystery with which we have struggled all our lives. He came to teach us, by His example, that death is not the end; instead, it is the beginning of a new and wonderful era of life. No more sickness, no more pain or suffering, no more struggles, no more worries, no more struggles with the limitations of our bodies. Peace like never before, love unknown, freedom beyond description. These are the shared experiences I have cherished and felt honored to have been a part of.
So started my day today with a very dear friend of mine. That’s why this is so heavy upon my heart and conversation today. I have a close brother who lives in Minnesota – John – for whom I would give my very life. We have shared memories going back over forty years – during most of which we have been separated by miles and life. Yet if he were to unexpectedly call me and ask me to come be with him – it wouldn’t matter the reason – I would immediately drop everything, take a leave of absence from work, and be on the road within the hour. Such is my love for John. The same is true of my relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Should He call me home today I would have no fear because our relationship has been well-seasoned over the years and has grown ever-deeper. I know His heart, I know He loves me and has no evil intent for me. Therefore, what have I to fear? I’m going to be with a Friend.
Dear one, I pray that is your heart today. We don’t sit and meditate on death, we don’t focus on it. But we are to be always in step with God in such a way that there remains no fear or reservation – no wait a minute, Lord, until I … - should that call come. Pastors have been ridiculed for years when they have reminded their congregants at the end of the service to be always ready. If we have learned nothing in our lifetimes it should be that we have learned that our very next breath or heartbeat is not guaranteed. Our lives are a gift from God. How we live determines how we die. We can either face death with fear and loathing, screaming at the darkness and flames, or we can lie back peacefully and welcome the next adventure with Jesus by our sides.
Today, my friend, I pray you have just such a relationship with Christ. He wants only the best for you, and it is only in Him we can find fulfillment and peace. He isn’t waiting with a hammer to crush you when you come to Him. Instead, He stands with His arms open wide awaiting the return of one for whom He gave His own life. Come to Him today, receive His forgiveness and peace, and begin walking by His side daily, hourly. May you find yourself in His grace today and may His face shine upon you wherever you go today.
Be blessed.