“And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.” (Genesis 7:1)
Imagine believing for 120 years. Imagine obeying for 120 years. Imagine preaching with no results for 120 years. Imagine working hard for 120 years with no return for your work. Imagine trying to envision a promise of God to you that has never been seen or known before – EVER – BY ANYONE – for 120 years. Imagine the struggle, the doubts, the taunts from others, the fatigue, the loneliness.
I have known pastors who struggled with this very same situation (not the Ark and the rain, but the pain) for years. They sound good from the pulpit, their words from the Bible are strong and life-giving, their counsel to others is wise and good, yet when they get home and draw the curtains and dim the lights – then the darkness crashes in and the battles start all over again. The pastor that married Pam and me was one such case. His wife battled severe back and body pain for decades. He had to physically help her with daily activites because she was in such pain. Yet at church he would pray with people and see the supernatural occur in their lives. I know of pastors (actually quite a few!) who have had the task of burying their own children and struggling through the anguish of that natural torment – all the while touching countless lives by the power of God. I’m sorry to be concentrating on pastors right now (I mean we ALL go through stuff, right?), but it seems according to the scripture that states, “Strike the shepherd and the flock will scatter.” Satan’s tactics have never changed.
As I stated in a former post, here we go. We are in full swing with 2025. It’s a new year, a fresh start, hope for different outcomes than we had last year. It seems 2024 was a terrorist, an unconventional enemy. We walked through 2024 in a haze, marking off the calender, out of breath trying to keep up with its pace, then BOOM out of nowhere we were sideswiped by the loss of loved ones, unseen and unsuspected tragedies, mouth-gaping attacks, followed by weeks or months of recovery and reevaluation. Everybody is hoping for a better year in 2025. We in America will swear in a new president (hopefully), our governments position on policies and directives have already begun to change, businesses are growing again, and on a personal level we have begun making changes in our own lives. Now what?
It is my goal this year to become more like Elisha when the prophet Elijah found him. Elijah, the great prophet, upon returning from a “come to Jesus” moment with God, found Elisha plowing in his father’s field. Elijah wasn’t necessarily looking for Elisha – he didn’t take this road on purpose, he was just passing by. By the same token, Elisha wasn’t out working to be seen – he was simply about his father’s business. Two random men of God going about their routine, trying to do whatever they could to sustain life until…, then suddenly God brought them together and formed a ministry team of them. This year it is my desire to simply put my head down, shoulder into life under the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and do what needs to be done until I receive further instruction from God. Nothing flashy, nothing spectacular, just routinely follow the last command given.
What about you? I know you have dreams and goals for this year of your life. I know that, based upon your experiences of the past, you have changes you want to make. Where has God placed you right now? Are you in a dead-end job, just slogging away each day, racking up hours, drawing your pay, and seeing nothing different? If you are like me, I still like kicking at doors to see if they will pop open for me. That is my “gentle” way of testing the will of God for my life – kicking at random opportunities much like a real-life game of “The Price is Right.” I may kick open a grand prize, but more times than not I will open a zinger, a losing package. I have resolved to take off my boots, quit kicking, and simply allow God to find me where I am, doing the best I can where I am, serving Him to full capacity in the situation in which I find myself. Is that where your heart and mind are right now, or are you still kicking?
Noah was warned that God was going to send a flood that would wipe out all living creatures upon the face of the earth. He would send rain. There had never been rain upon the earth before this – only a heavy dew each morning – so it was inconceivable what God was saying. He was given directions to follow that were to prepare him to survive this coming disaster – directions for a boat (?). Something he had never even seen or needed before! Yet, upon the command of God, Noah began the building process. The Bible tells us he preached the Word and warning of God while he built. For 120 years! Accounting for the average lifespan back then, this would have accounted for approximately 1/5 of his life. In today’s terms that would equate to about 15 years. He saw no return on investment, he won no souls to God, he failed (in our eyes) at getting the message out strongly enough, but he persisted – to the saving of himself and his family.
I encourage you today, my friend, to simply march in place. God has placed you where you are for a reason. You are to be the salt and light of the world where you are. You are to be a shining beacon that reflects the goodness and faithfulness of God where you stand. You are to exemplify the embodiment of Jesus Christ in a world that chases every fleeting message of hope. You are to be a rock in a world of sand. It’s not pleasant (sometimes), it’s not flashy, it’s not sexy, it’s not popular. But that is your calling for this time. This world is quickly self-destructing and rushing headlong into judgment. You are to be a lifeline thrown into the rushing stream of humanity that any who reach out can cling to you and find Life. It is exhausting for you and me, yet we find joy and renewed strength when we “catch” one. I encourage you to be that lifeline. Stay strong, my friend. Stay attached firmly to our anchor of hope that goes beyond the veil into the very Presence of God Himself. Hold the line, stand your ground, and let your light shine.
Be blessed.