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Updated: Jul 27, 2023

I have been thinking about this quite a bit. As we teach the Word every day and especially on Sunday's when we have a captive audience of believers. There must always be a sense of reverence and worship for all of us to join in as a total communion of the body of Christ. Sure, we can sing great songs and hear funny stories. But, do we actually think about the words of the songs and hymns that we sing or are we going through a ritual of joint performance? Interestingly, we were studying the last chapter of Ephesians this evening in Bible study and I am compelled to focus on worship and what God demands of us as Christians. Are we performance art solely given to the hype and hyperbole of a Sunday morning, or are we truly dedicated the teaching of the Word of God. Trust me there is sufficient compelling evidence in the Word that points us toward trials, tribulations, and difficulty in this treacherous world of political correctness and being "woke." The big TV preachers don't teach the whole Word of God. They pick and choose to make people feel alright about their mediocre faith, their marginality of following God, and their inability to NOT speak out against sin. Last time I checked, there are quite a few things that God "HATES," and I certainly don't want to participate in that. We as Christians are surrounded and being beaten down by so many evils that Satan presents as okay and we sit silently on the sidelines and don't speak out for fear of being called a bigot or hater. We as Christians NEVER hate the person, we simply hate the sin. And our ultimate desire for all of humanity is to have all people follow the "one true God"--yes, its in the Bible. Coexistence, diversity of the word, and every perversion of the Gospel must be confronted with love and Bibilical truth. Think about it in the evangelical movement, if your daughter has an abortion, did you do so because you wanted to cover it up to maintain the appearance of being pious? If your kids use drugs, do you turn a blind eye? Remember, Satan uses "mission creep" and society to chip away at the very foundation of God's church and we are allowing it to happen. Read Ezekiel 7 and tell me which side of the God's fence you stand. We are in the last days.

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