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The Power of the Scripture

Writer's picture: Pastor Shane TomkoPastor Shane Tomko

 I believe the Scripture is critical in our Christian development. Not only that we should treat others as we would want to be treated, but it also dives into our character and how we perceive or interact with others. It goes hand in hand with people only praising God when things are going well, but still praising Him in time of storm. Blaming God is a self-centered way of operating and it is not of the Spirit of God. To have His spirit we would need to be selfless, compassionate, loving, forgiving, standing up for what is TRUTH, and so much more. To love and pray for one's enemies. To help people without the worldly conditions man sets upon itself. How we treat other people says a lot about our own hearts. How we engage against sin also says a lot about our hearts. LOVE THE SINNER, BUT HATE THE SIN!

Jesus called us to deny ourselves. Because we cannot truly follow God and be self-preserving at the same time. This is because we can easily become our own God or idol. Or even worse, we begin to put survival and life over what God has for us eternally. If we truly have faith and trust Him completely, then we are able to not lead by ego and can truly become the pillars of light we were called to be and what He made us for. The salt and light of the earth. This does not mean to become a people pleaser; it just means to do everything out of love. Because our witness will be like salt in an open wound to the sinners and a light for those who are blind to the Truth. Preaching truth is love, and if it may offend, then it's a heart issue of the offended. We have to stay on God's call, but we don't have to mistreat others and need to strive for healthy relationships even with our enemies. But never refrain from the truth of the word of God. If they get miffed, well, that's the Holy Spirit because you are sharing the Word of God. Semper Sine Metu!

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